Earth Goddess

Earth Goddess

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Cheryl Strayed "Wild"

One of the ways that I spend Sunday mornings in the winter is watching Super Soul Sunday with Oprah. Last year she interviewed Cheryl Strayed, author of the book Wild which is an account of one thousand mile trek she took alone on the Pacific Coast Trail.

Her interview was inspiring and now with one of my favorite actresses, Reese Witherspoon in the starring role, I am positive it will be a great movie. Prepare to be inspired!!! I am going to read the book before the movie comes out.

I do at least one solo trip to the desert every year. They are generally 5-6 day trips alone and I do a lot of healing, releasing, sorting, and ceremony on my trips. It can be frightening to be a woman alone in the wilderness. Imagine 1000 miles of doing inner work. What would you release? What would you heal? What would you embrace?

Spend some time on those questions this weekend. Remember we are in the energy of the Full Super Moon and the perfect time for releasing and embracing.


Cheyenne Rose

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