Earth Goddess

Earth Goddess

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Smell of the Universe

I read a beautiful quote by Neil deGrasse Tyson this morning: "I love the smell of the Universe in the morning". I was sitting outside drinking a cup of java and enjoying the birds singing, and beyond the birds, the stillness of the Universe in the early am. Until I read this quote, I was not paying attention to the smell.
My olfactory senses were not yet engaged with my environment.

Once I engaged them the morning burst wide open with not only the sunrise and the sounds of dawn but also the smell of the morning; the wet grass from the sprinklers, the flowers as the were waking and so many other previously undetected scents.

Tomorrow, sit outside in the early morning hours and engage your sense of smell. You will be surprised by what you notice.


Cheyenne Rose

Sunrise as seen from my backyard

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