Earth Goddess

Earth Goddess

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Welcome to Diary of an Earth Goddess

I wanted to create a space where I could come and share some of my deepest musings; a place where I could sit down and write from the core of my heart and soul. I wanted to create a holy space online to teach others how to navigate the through life's challenges and celebrate being  alive and being human. I am Cheyenne Rose Stonetalker and I belong to the Stonetalker Clan. My medicine name was given to me by a grandmother; a wise Medicine Women in the Stonetalker Clan on a beautiful spring day in the red rock deserts of Southern Utah after a night of ceremony. It's been my dream for many years to step fully into my medicine name and the healing light and energy that I bring to the world. I am a bridge between heaven and earth.

Welcome to my Blog...Diary of an Earth Goddess


Cheyenne Rose

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