Earth Goddess

Earth Goddess

Friday, July 11, 2014

It's time for a Rebirth

Today I pulled the Bat card from the Medicine Card Deck. Perfect timing! Tonight/tomorrow marks the Full Thunder Moon or Full Buck Moon. It is the first full moon after Summer Solstice (which happened to fall on my birthday this year). Not only is it the first full moon after Solstice, it is the first of 3 Super Moons happening in 2014. The best time to view the full moon will be tonight in North America

It's called a Super Moon because it appears to be Super-sized. Its orbit is closer to Earth than normal.

The Bat and the Super Full Moon are calling on us to let go of our Super-sized issues that need to die a good death and prepare for rebirth when the new moon appears on July 26th. Just like the Phoenix going down in flames so that a rise from the ashes can begin, we too must let go of that which is no longer serving us.

Create a ceremony tonight to let that which is no longer serving your growth and purpose to die. Allow the Super Moon to illuminate what that limitation is. Allow the energy of Bat to represent the darkness of the cave. The bat hanging upside down is a metaphor for learning how to transpose the former YOU into a newborn YOU! It's the idea of the Shamanistic Death!


Cheyenne Rose

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