Earth Goddess

Earth Goddess

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Claim Your Independence!

 Stone of the Week: Malachite

Malachite is formed in a secondary process in the oxidation zone of copper ore deposits.  It contains patterns of light and dark green bands.  Malachite is a mineral that is surrounded with many myths and legends.  In myth it was considered women’s mineral and was always dedicated to a goddess.  Malachite is a stone of the will and teaches us the appropriate application of our personal power.  

Malachite resonates with the solar plexus chakra (3rd chakra), the center of our will and personal power.  It also activates the heart and the throat chakras allowing us to come from a place of love and speak our truth therefore keeping us in our power.  Its true power lies in its ability to clear the influences of the ego from the will, aligning the third chakra. 

Stonetalker Insights:

July 4th celebrated American independence. This was an action taken to liberate the thirteen colonies from oppressive control. The Continental Congress of the thirteen colonies gathered on that day to vote and the American colonies declared independence.  

Now is a great time to take a look at what “oppressive interference or limitation” is representing itself symbolically in our lives. This could be represented in an oppressive relationship, career, financial situation, thought pattern, addiction or a number of other representations. I invite you to take a look at the present and see if there is a situation that has you feeling like you are not in control.  

Use the energy of malachite, our crystal clear energy stone, to assist you in declaring independence. Use your personal power to experience your own day of deliverance from fear, lack, limitations or addictions that keep you feeling as if you have no control over the situation. Use the power of your ability to choose and shape your life as you see fit, freeing yourself from anxiety worry and doubt. Instead align yourself with love, creativity and harmony. It’s your choice!

"Its time, if we haven’t already, for us to write our own declaration of freedom, emancipating ourselves from limitation, fear, doubt, and anxiety by laying claim to an indwelling Spirit within that expresses itself as confidence, inner joy, enthusiasm for life, and courage that permits us to succeed in all our endeavors." –Larry Barber

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