Earth Goddess

Earth Goddess

Monday, July 14, 2014

Enter into the Silence

Yesterday I was feeling the pull towards my Sacred Path Cards. My intuition was telling me that there was a message that I needed to share with others and the Sacred Path Cards would shed light on that message.

I got my deck out and pulled the Vision Quest Card. Perfect card to pull as we are at mid-year and it's time to go inward into the silence and do a check in.

"The Vision Quest card speaks of a time of new directions or a time of strengthening of the present path based on personal truth. Sometimes to find this truth it is necessary to Enter the Silence and remove personal confusion. In other instances it is necessary to actually go on a Vision Quest."

The last full Vision Quest that I did was very insightful and powerful. At the same time, a mini Vision Quest is easy to do and just requires you to sit in silence for 20-30 minutes daily. Even 5 minutes is better than no minutes if that is all you can do.

Commit to doing a mini Vision Quest daily for a full week and experience the benefits of the process.

Call on your Allies and the Ancestors for wisdom and guidance. Trust what messages come through and act on them.

Seek the Silence!


Cheyenne Rose

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