Earth Goddess

Earth Goddess

Monday, September 22, 2014

Autumnal Equinox

I'm so sad to say good-bye to summer. It's my favorite season. I do love the colors of fall.

It's important to reflect back on the labors you have done to produce the harvest of joy that you have in your life right now.

Today and tomorrow are when the energy of the transition are the strongest. It's also time to decide what you need to let go of to move into this next phase of your personal seasons.

Just like leaves falling from the trees, we too much let things drop that are no longer serving us and prepare for the new grow of spring.

My friend did a mini burning man ceremony last night to release what she no longer wants in her life.

I suggest you do some sort of ceremonial release this week and take advantage of this special time. Find a stone or crystal or a leaf with beautiful patterns to bring back with you to remind you of where you are going next and what you want to manifest.


Cheyenne Rose

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Protecting Your Energy

I had a situation happen to me a couple of weeks ago where I was mentally, emotionally, verbally and psychically attacked. It was totally unexpected and therefore I was not protected at all from this abusive conversation.

Generally when I am around very intense people I create an energetic barrier around myself before interacting with them. This has proven invaluable with my ex-husband and some friends that tend to dominate my energy if I am not careful.

In this situation I was supposed to have a conversation with this person about doing some work on a contract in their business. Unfortunately, that conversation didn't happen because this person made a snap judgement without all of the facts and let loose on me.

I was devastated and it broke my tender heart because I have deep respect for this person and value the contribution they are making to the world. I allowed it to drain my energy and take up noise in my mind until yesterday when I made the decision to let it go and not be victim to another's misguided power.

Today I pulled the Obsidian card from The Crystal Ally Cards. Obsidian connects with our root chakra and protects us from being sucked into someones power game. Obsidian is volcanic glass and contains both elements of earth and fire. It has been used as a tool of divination and also to make tools for protection and to hunt prey in ancient cultures.

If you have been feeling energy attacks from others or are sensitive to the many chaotic energies around you, call on the protective power of Obsidian to seal off your aura and create an invisible barrier. Let their "power play" energy bounce right back to them. They won't know what hit them!


Cheyenne Rose

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mountains and Valleys

Stone of the Week: Larimar

Larimar is a light blue form of pectolite and was recently discovered (within the last twenty years) in the Dominican Republic. Larimar stimulates the heart (4th) chakra as well as the throat (5th), the third-eye (6th) chakra, and the crown (7th) chakra. Larimar is a very nurturing stone and lends its energy to help one feel cradled in love and protection while cleansing the aura and the body, helping energy to move through blocks with nurturing from the Universe. It also reminds us to nurture ourselves during times of low energy and illness. Larimar is known as a “stone for Earth healing” and emits energy of peace, healing and love.

Stonetalker Insights:

Our lives contain the pattern of mountains and valleys. Sometimes we are at the top of our game, or at the top of the mountain. We are high on life and everything seems to be going our way. We experience times of great creativity and activity. Then we experience times when we feel a little low, down in a low valley, perhaps even caught down in a gully. It’s a time when we might be experiencing fatigue, illness or physical exhaustion. Or perhaps we are experiencing a lull in our creativity, some mental fogginess or confusion about our lives. It is important to nurture ourselves during the times in the valley and hopefully avoid the gully.  When you fall into the gully, it is especially important to nurture yourself. Accept where you are in the moment. Give yourself permission to nurture yourself and allow others to also nurture you. Sometimes this can be difficult to do if we are generally the caretaker yet is essential to do in order to move through these times quickly. Call on the nurturing energy of Larimar to assist you in your self-care. Feel the love and protection of the Universe and those around you who have your best interest at heart. Know that it is all part of the journey.
Affirmation:  I am supported and nurtured by the energy of the Universe. –Naisha Ahsian

Monday, July 14, 2014

Enter into the Silence

Yesterday I was feeling the pull towards my Sacred Path Cards. My intuition was telling me that there was a message that I needed to share with others and the Sacred Path Cards would shed light on that message.

I got my deck out and pulled the Vision Quest Card. Perfect card to pull as we are at mid-year and it's time to go inward into the silence and do a check in.

"The Vision Quest card speaks of a time of new directions or a time of strengthening of the present path based on personal truth. Sometimes to find this truth it is necessary to Enter the Silence and remove personal confusion. In other instances it is necessary to actually go on a Vision Quest."

The last full Vision Quest that I did was very insightful and powerful. At the same time, a mini Vision Quest is easy to do and just requires you to sit in silence for 20-30 minutes daily. Even 5 minutes is better than no minutes if that is all you can do.

Commit to doing a mini Vision Quest daily for a full week and experience the benefits of the process.

Call on your Allies and the Ancestors for wisdom and guidance. Trust what messages come through and act on them.

Seek the Silence!


Cheyenne Rose

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Cheryl Strayed "Wild"

One of the ways that I spend Sunday mornings in the winter is watching Super Soul Sunday with Oprah. Last year she interviewed Cheryl Strayed, author of the book Wild which is an account of one thousand mile trek she took alone on the Pacific Coast Trail.

Her interview was inspiring and now with one of my favorite actresses, Reese Witherspoon in the starring role, I am positive it will be a great movie. Prepare to be inspired!!! I am going to read the book before the movie comes out.

I do at least one solo trip to the desert every year. They are generally 5-6 day trips alone and I do a lot of healing, releasing, sorting, and ceremony on my trips. It can be frightening to be a woman alone in the wilderness. Imagine 1000 miles of doing inner work. What would you release? What would you heal? What would you embrace?

Spend some time on those questions this weekend. Remember we are in the energy of the Full Super Moon and the perfect time for releasing and embracing.


Cheyenne Rose

Friday, July 11, 2014

It's time for a Rebirth

Today I pulled the Bat card from the Medicine Card Deck. Perfect timing! Tonight/tomorrow marks the Full Thunder Moon or Full Buck Moon. It is the first full moon after Summer Solstice (which happened to fall on my birthday this year). Not only is it the first full moon after Solstice, it is the first of 3 Super Moons happening in 2014. The best time to view the full moon will be tonight in North America

It's called a Super Moon because it appears to be Super-sized. Its orbit is closer to Earth than normal.

The Bat and the Super Full Moon are calling on us to let go of our Super-sized issues that need to die a good death and prepare for rebirth when the new moon appears on July 26th. Just like the Phoenix going down in flames so that a rise from the ashes can begin, we too must let go of that which is no longer serving us.

Create a ceremony tonight to let that which is no longer serving your growth and purpose to die. Allow the Super Moon to illuminate what that limitation is. Allow the energy of Bat to represent the darkness of the cave. The bat hanging upside down is a metaphor for learning how to transpose the former YOU into a newborn YOU! It's the idea of the Shamanistic Death!


Cheyenne Rose

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Claim Your Independence!

 Stone of the Week: Malachite

Malachite is formed in a secondary process in the oxidation zone of copper ore deposits.  It contains patterns of light and dark green bands.  Malachite is a mineral that is surrounded with many myths and legends.  In myth it was considered women’s mineral and was always dedicated to a goddess.  Malachite is a stone of the will and teaches us the appropriate application of our personal power.  

Malachite resonates with the solar plexus chakra (3rd chakra), the center of our will and personal power.  It also activates the heart and the throat chakras allowing us to come from a place of love and speak our truth therefore keeping us in our power.  Its true power lies in its ability to clear the influences of the ego from the will, aligning the third chakra. 

Stonetalker Insights:

July 4th celebrated American independence. This was an action taken to liberate the thirteen colonies from oppressive control. The Continental Congress of the thirteen colonies gathered on that day to vote and the American colonies declared independence.  

Now is a great time to take a look at what “oppressive interference or limitation” is representing itself symbolically in our lives. This could be represented in an oppressive relationship, career, financial situation, thought pattern, addiction or a number of other representations. I invite you to take a look at the present and see if there is a situation that has you feeling like you are not in control.  

Use the energy of malachite, our crystal clear energy stone, to assist you in declaring independence. Use your personal power to experience your own day of deliverance from fear, lack, limitations or addictions that keep you feeling as if you have no control over the situation. Use the power of your ability to choose and shape your life as you see fit, freeing yourself from anxiety worry and doubt. Instead align yourself with love, creativity and harmony. It’s your choice!

"Its time, if we haven’t already, for us to write our own declaration of freedom, emancipating ourselves from limitation, fear, doubt, and anxiety by laying claim to an indwelling Spirit within that expresses itself as confidence, inner joy, enthusiasm for life, and courage that permits us to succeed in all our endeavors." –Larry Barber

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Smell of the Universe

I read a beautiful quote by Neil deGrasse Tyson this morning: "I love the smell of the Universe in the morning". I was sitting outside drinking a cup of java and enjoying the birds singing, and beyond the birds, the stillness of the Universe in the early am. Until I read this quote, I was not paying attention to the smell.
My olfactory senses were not yet engaged with my environment.

Once I engaged them the morning burst wide open with not only the sunrise and the sounds of dawn but also the smell of the morning; the wet grass from the sprinklers, the flowers as the were waking and so many other previously undetected scents.

Tomorrow, sit outside in the early morning hours and engage your sense of smell. You will be surprised by what you notice.


Cheyenne Rose

Sunrise as seen from my backyard

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Welcome to Diary of an Earth Goddess

I wanted to create a space where I could come and share some of my deepest musings; a place where I could sit down and write from the core of my heart and soul. I wanted to create a holy space online to teach others how to navigate the through life's challenges and celebrate being  alive and being human. I am Cheyenne Rose Stonetalker and I belong to the Stonetalker Clan. My medicine name was given to me by a grandmother; a wise Medicine Women in the Stonetalker Clan on a beautiful spring day in the red rock deserts of Southern Utah after a night of ceremony. It's been my dream for many years to step fully into my medicine name and the healing light and energy that I bring to the world. I am a bridge between heaven and earth.

Welcome to my Blog...Diary of an Earth Goddess


Cheyenne Rose